Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation Practices. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation that involves deep relaxation and conscious awareness. It is a powerful tool for promoting physical, mental, and emotional relaxation and healing. Don’t practice Yoga Nidra while driving or operating machinery or basically doing anything else than lying down with your eyes closed;-) More online content: Eye Pillow, that I use for Yoga Nidra: (Amazon Affiliate Link) Tip jar:

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Monday May 29, 2023

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. In this podcast episode, I invite you to immerse yourself in the serene world of Yoga Nidra—an ancient practice that unlocks the profound power of your breath to unify your mind, body, and spirit.
As you gracefully surrender to the comforts of your surroundings, I encourage you to find solace in a position that embraces your body with gentle repose. Take a moment to adjust and ensure that every fiber of your being is nestled in warmth and tranquility, creating the perfect sanctuary for your inward exploration.
As your breath gracefully ebbs and flows, it becomes the guide that leads you towards a realm of deep relaxation and profound inner peace. With each inhale, envision the revitalizing energy permeating every cell of your body, revitalizing and nourishing your entire being. And with each exhale, surrender any lingering tension, negativity, and self-doubt, allowing them to dissipate into the vastness of the universe.
In this sacred space of stillness and profound introspection, feel the ancient wisdom and healing energies awaken within you. Experience the harmonization of your mind, body, and spirit as the currents of your breath dance in perfect unison, seamlessly weaving together the threads of your existence.
As you surrender to the ethereal essence of Yoga Nidra, allow its transformative power to wash over you, cleansing your spirit and awakening the dormant facets of your soul. In this state of deep serenity, embrace the profound renewal that unfurls within you, like a budding flower embracing the dawn's gentle caress.
Embrace the beauty and abundance that life so graciously offers, with a heart overflowing with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. May this podcast episode serve as a guiding light, igniting the flame of self-discovery and guiding you towards a life imbued with love, joy, and infinite possibilities.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Into the Depths of Yoga Nidra

Thursday May 25, 2023

Thursday May 25, 2023

Prepare to embark on a delightful and transcendent voyage through the realms of deep relaxation and spiritual awakening. In this podcast, I invite you to surrender to the profound experience of Yoga Nidra, where bliss and transformation intertwine.
As you tune in, allow yourself to be guided into extended meditations that will transport you to the boundless expanses of your inner world. Through the power of visualization, you will unlock the hidden treasures of your subconscious mind, revealing new insights and expanding your awareness in extraordinary ways.
With each moment of stillness, your body and spirit will merge, creating a harmonious symphony of healing and restoration. Feel the energy flow through you as you direct its powerful currents towards your personal rejuvenation. As you immerse yourself in the practice, surrender to the comforting embrace of warmth and comfort, letting go of any tension or worries that may have burdened you.
In this sacred space, find tranquility as you synchronize your mind with the rhythm of your breath. Experience the delicate dance of peace and equilibrium as it permeates your entire being, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and energy in perfect harmony.
Throughout this soul-stirring journey, you will be embraced by a profound sense of renewal. As you emerge from each practice, feel yourself refreshed, revitalized, and spiritually uplifted. Allow the echoes of this transformative experience to ripple through your life, awakening your senses and inspiring a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - Imagery

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Extended yoga nidra sessions offer a profound opportunity to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, release tension and stress, and awaken your body's energy. Through guided imagery, deep relaxation, and harmonizing your breath and mind, you can experience a sense of inner peace and rejuvenation, leaving you feeling warm, comfortable and refreshed.
Welcome to the transformative practice of Yoga Nidra, where you can journey within yourself and discover the beauty of your inner world. As you lie down in a comfortable position, imagine yourself being cradled by the loving embrace of the universe. Like a seed, you will be planted in the rich soil of your subconscious mind, where you will be nourished by your deepest desires and intentions.
With each breath, you will feel yourself opening up like a lotus flower, radiating light and love into every part of your being. Embrace the stillness, embrace the peace, and allow yourself to bloom into the magnificent being that you are.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - Chakras

Monday May 15, 2023

Monday May 15, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a blissful journey of deep relaxation and self-discovery through chakra meditation? As you settle into this practice, you will unlock the power of visualization and connect with the wisdom of your subconscious mind, gaining new insights and awareness.
With each chakra meditation, you will feel a deep sense of restoration and healing as you direct your energy towards your well-being. You will learn to harmonize your mind and breath, creating a newfound sense of peace and balance throughout your entire being.
Allow yourself to fully immerse in each practice, lying comfortably in a warm cocoon of relaxation. As you work through each chakra, you will feel a transformation taking place within you, leaving you feeling revitalized, rejuvenated, and spiritually uplifted.
So, let us begin this journey together, opening and balancing each chakra along the way. When you emerge from this practice, you will be ready to take on whatever comes your way with joy, ease, and a deep sense of spiritual connection.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - Meditation

Saturday May 06, 2023

Saturday May 06, 2023

Get ready to embark on a blissful journey of deep relaxation and self-discovery. As you settle into meditation, you will unlock the power of visualization, tapping into the wisdom of your subconscious mind and gaining new insights and awareness.
With each practice, you will feel a deep sense of restoration and healing as you direct your energy towards your well-being. Through harmonizing your mind and breath, you will find a newfound sense of peace and balance throughout your entire being.
Allow yourself to fully immerse in each practice, lying comfortably in a warm cocoon of relaxation. When you emerge, you'll feel revitalized, rejuvenated, and spiritually uplifted - ready to take on whatever comes your way with joy and ease.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - Dream Journey

Thursday May 04, 2023

Thursday May 04, 2023

Welcome, to our next Yoga Nidra adventure! In this practice, we embark on a dream journey that takes us on a spiritual and playful ride. It's a tale that we listen to while we are in a state of complete relaxation, allowing our minds to wander in a world beyond our own.
Our journey can take us anywhere we want, be it within ourselves or to some aspect of our personality that we wish to explore. This experience can challenge us to reach new destinations and help us uncover hidden aspects of ourselves. These dream journeys aren't just lovely, relaxing stories; they're an opportunity to encounter our true selves and strengthen our personality positively.
As we surrender to the magic of our dream journey, we also dive deeper into relaxation. The experience is so calming that it's not unusual to fall asleep during this state of complete relaxation, even if we've managed to stay awake and alert until then. There's nothing to worry about if sleep overtakes us. Maybe it's precisely what we needed!
So, how are You doing on our dream journey? Can you stay awake and aware? Or are you ready to drift off into a peaceful slumber? Either way, trust the process, and let the journey take you where you need to go.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - Visualization

Wednesday May 03, 2023

Wednesday May 03, 2023

In Yoga Nidra, we can delve deeper into relaxation by visualizing images. We name concepts we imagine, like a peaceful sunset or a lush meadow of flowers. But the magic lies in the fact that our subconscious chooses the specifics.
Our conscious mind is on autopilot, allowing us to process and let go of negative thoughts and memories - a practice called "burning samskaras". Through gradual practice, we can become aware of and overcome these hindrances to our positive growth.
You may not even notice the transformation happening, until one day you realize how much your values have shifted. Yoga Nidra is a tool to help us on this spiritual journey.
If you're looking for more of my online content, then look no further than my page! Here you'll find a collection of my online resources, including my blog, podcast, social media accounts, and more. So if you're interested in diving deeper into my work and learning more about yoga, mindfulness, and personal growth, be sure to check it out!
If you're a fan of Yoga Nidra, then you know how important it is to have the right tools to support your practice. That's why I highly recommend the eye pillow that I personally use and love! It's the perfect addition to any Yoga Nidra practice, helping you to deepen your relaxation and calm your mind. And the best part? You can get it right now on Amazon using my affiliate link, which helps support my work and allows me to continue creating content for you.
⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Finally, if you'd like to support me directly, then consider leaving a tip in my PayPal tip jar. Every contribution helps me to keep creating content and sharing my passion for yoga and personal growth with the world. So thank you in advance for your support, and I can't wait to continue sharing my journey with you!
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Yoga Nidra - The Sankalpa

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

During Yoga Nidra you will have the opportunity to repeat your Sankalpa both at the beginning and at the end of the practice. Give yourself time to uncover your Sankalpa. In the beginning, it might evolve. But then stick with the same resolution until it manifests in your life - and even beyond. If you have no Sankalpa yet, use something positive and general: " I am completely healthy" - "I am abundant" - "I am loving".
More of my online content: ⁠⁠⁠⁠
Eye Pillow, that I use for Yoga Nidra: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Want to support me? Tip jar: ⁠⁠
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Yoga Nidra - Relaxing The Body

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

Just as we relax during a massage when the touch helps us to be in the moment of the here and now
and feel into our bodies, physical relaxation methods help us to calm body and mind. Everyone
knows the effect of a foot massage. The relaxation moves through the whole body, the head stops
working and you are completely in the feeling. Often ideas come to mind, things you always wanted
to do, postponed plans, realization of dreams. Through relaxation we come closer to ourselves and
our needs. In this Yoga Nidra practice we will train letting go through physical relaxation. We can
concentrate completely on feeling our own body. This practice can also help us in our everyday life.
We always have our body with us and at any time, through small touches or simple feeling, we can
establish a connection that calms our mind. Before the practice, feel into your body once and be
aware of all sensations. Then feel into your body after the practice and feel the difference.
More of my online content: ⁠⁠
Eye Pillow, that I use for Yoga Nidra: ⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Want to support me? Tip jar: ⁠
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Yoga Nidra - Focus On Breathing

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

Saturday Apr 08, 2023

In this Yoga Nidra practice, you will be engaged with your breath. We won`t do complicated
breathing exercises, but it is about observing the breath and connecting with it. The breath is an
active way to quickly feel into yourself and do something good. A few deep breaths, a few deep
exhales, perhaps noisy and pleasurable. Already we have decoupled ourselves somewhat from the
events and happenings that have taken us over. During yoga nidra practice we practice connecting
with the breath. This allows us to become calm and harmonize mind, body and breathing. This
practice then also allows us in everyday life to calm down for a moment and gain distance through
the connection with the breath. The pulse slows down and the mind calms down.
Of course, through deep and conscious breathing, we also practice improving oxygenation and better
removal of stale air. Thus, we improve our well-being.
The simple breathing exercises in this Yoga Nidra practice can also be used in everyday life to relax
consciously for a short time. Feel into yourself how you feel before the practice and how you
feel when the Yoga Nidra practice is finished.
More of my online content: ⁠⁠
Eye Pillow, that I use for Yoga Nidra: ⁠⁠ (Amazon Affiliate Link)
Want to support me? Tip jar: ⁠
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